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Using Needle eliminates context-switching and interruptions.
Dodge blockers, find the information you need instantly.
Tap into the source of truth, keep everyone on the same page.
Create powerful AI agents that can interact with your data and automate sophisticated tasks. No extensive setup required. Get Started with Agents →
What our users are saying
10+ native integrations supported. Adding more every day.
Find the information you need with references from the data sources you connected. Never search manually anymore.
No technical knowledge is required to connect your data. Just a few clicks and Needle can already tell you about your data.
Needle's AI can automate your workflows and save you time. Simply connect your tools and just prompt in natural language.
Our access management system is straightforward to use yet powerful enough to meet enterprise requirements.
Use our drop-in chat widget to embed Needle into your website. Enable AI question answering on your content in 1 minute.
Need a deeper integration? Needle's API is lean and easy to use. Everything your developers need nothing they don't. Checkout our Docs andIntegrations.
from needle.v1 import NeedleClient
ndl = NeedleClient()
results =
text="How do I return my item?"
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