Resolve Customer Issues Faster

Give your support team instant access to past solutions, documentation, and support history. Needle helps support teams resolve issues in minutes instead of hours.

No payment required. Unlimited access to our forever free tier.

We use Needle to resolve customer issues in minutes instead of hours. When a customer reports an issue, we instantly find similar past cases and their solutions, making our support efficient.
CTO, Upbuild Studios

Enhance capabilities with AI

Find Solutions Instantly

When a customer reports an issue, instantly find similar past cases and their successful solutions across your support history.

Quick Issue Resolution

Resolve customer issues faster by accessing past solutions, troubleshooting steps, and best practices in seconds.

AI-Powered Support

Let AI analyze customer issues and automatically suggest the most relevant solutions from your support history.

Resolve issues in minutes

Help support teams instantly find and apply proven solutions by connecting current issues with similar past cases.

Support Analysis

Learn from past solutions

Let AI analyze your support history to identify common issues and their most effective solutions.

Keep solutions accessible

Build a searchable knowledge base of support solutions that grows with every resolved issue.

Support Solutions

No payment required. Unlimited access to our forever free tier.